1. What are the types of business activities? 
  2. What is a project and how is it different from other type of activities?
  3. What is a quasi-project?
  4. What is project management? program management? portfolio management?*
  5. Why is project (or program or portfolio) management important?
  6. What are the similarities and differences between project, program, and portfolio? How about project management, program management, and portfolio management?*
  7. What are example of projects in the various industries and functions? Describe them?
  8. What is a project (or program or portfolio) life cycle?  Why is it important?*
  9. What are the various broad categories of project management approaches? Identify the specific methodologies within them?*
  10. Are the key skills of a project manager?
  1. Integration. How to best determine projects (or programs and portfolios) dependencies? 
  2. Stakeholder. How to identify the key stakeholders, especially determining the supporters and dissenters?
  3. Scope. How to determine the project scope?  
  4. Schedule. How to implement projects with impossible deadlines? 
  5. Resources. How to determine the most crucial resources required for projects? 
  6. Cost. How to create project budgets?  Should the cost estimate be conservative in case of unexpected costs? 
  7. Communication. What are the communication challenges?
  8. Risk. How to evaluate project risks? How to evaluate risk and the performing organization’s risk appetite?
  9. Quality. How to identify special quality considerations? How to achieve agreement on the the minimal acceptance thresholds?
  10. Resources. How to determine project resources?  What to do if there are clear gaps in capability or capacity? 
  11. Conflicts. How to effectively identify and evaluate conflicts on projects?
  12. Governance. How to design effective governance structures and processes? 
  1. How to create a high-performing team?
  2. How to overcome the storming stage effectively?
  3. My team members come from different backgrounds with little understanding of project management. What I do to enhance their knowledge of project management?
  4. How much project management knowledge and processes does my team members really need to know?
  5. How do I keep my team members motivated, especially we are confronting significant headwinds?
  6. We have a very difficult stakeholder, but his support is crucial to our success.  What should we do?
  7. How can I secure buy-in on an important enterprise project?
  8. Should I manage contractors the same as employees?
  9. How do I tackle part-time team members who have competing priorities?
  10. How to best handle low-performing team members?