Summary:  All projects confront the same problem – how to get started as efficiently and effectively as possible.  Naturally, the bigger, the more complex, the greater the number of stakeholders, the higher the risk and uncertainty, and the challenges of determining an optimal start becomes greater.  Often there are many, if not infinite ways of getting started. What is the first step? This is the problem commonly known as the “fuzzy front end”.

This webinar addresses this common project challenge, especially on innovative projects, head on.  After presenting the background with illustrated cases, the webinar will explore the implications of poorly managed as well as optimally managed projects.  We will present the common practices especially some specific issues.

Prof. Dr. Te Wu

Prof. Dr. Te Wu


Prof. Dr. Te Wu is the CEO of PMO Advisory and a professor at China Europe International Business School and Montclair State University. Te is certified in Portfolio, Program, Project, and Risk Management. He is an active volunteer including serving on PMI’s Portfolio Management and Risk Management Core Teams and other roles. He is also a U.S. delegate on the ISO Technical Committee 258 for Project, Program and Portfolio Management. As a practitioner, executive, teacher, writer, and speaker, Dr. Wu enjoys sharing his knowledge and experiences and networking with other professionals.